Overcoming Shame and Regret - Healing with Hope
Establishing Kingdom Culture & Birthing Kingdom Champions in Ministry & Leadership
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There's purpose and destiny in you womb
Kelly Jennings
Author. Speaker. Prophet - Mentor
Prophet Kelly Jennings, a native of New Jersey, joined the Air Force in April 1985, specializing in Human Resource Management. In October 1985, she dedicated her life to the Lord, establishing her Christian walk on Philippians 3:13-14. Ordained as a prophet in 2012, she has trained, mentored many in the prophetic and birthed many spiritual daughters into the Kingdom assignment.
She along with her husband, Apostle "J", Senior Pastor of Freedom to Live Ministries, carry the mantle of being the pillars of the church and laying the proper foundation for discipleship, leadership, and prophetic and apostolic ministry training.
Prophetess Kelly carries a specific mandate to equip, empower, heal and deliver woman from the pains of their past and birth them into the place God called them to be. As an Apostolic leader she administers her gifts and calling through books, teaching, mentoring, coaching, and speaking at conferences and workshops as keynote speaker, facilitator, and panelist.